Power Puppies - Jaden
Power Puppies - plushies that celebrate disability
Power Puppies - Lydia. Cute Stuffed toy on a wheelchair that celebrates disability.
Power Puppies - Ash

Power Puppies

421 in stock

The role models we've been waiting for. These doggos do not let their disability stop them and they're ready to be your best friends.

  • 6.50" tall
  • Cute and powerful
  • There's nothing like them (Literally, we couldn't find another stuffed toy with a wheelchair. Like, what?)
Regular price $14.99

The role models we've been waiting for. These doggos do not let their disability stop them and they're ready to be your best friends.

  • 6.50" tall
  • Cute and powerful
  • There's nothing like them (Literally, we couldn't find another stuffed toy with a wheelchair. Like, what?)

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