Power Puppies - Ash
Power Puppies - plushies that celebrate disability
Power Puppies - Jaden
Power Puppies - Lydia. Cute Stuffed toy on a wheelchair that celebrates disability.

Power Puppies

506 in stock

The role models we've been waiting for. These doggos do not let their disability stop them and they're ready to be your best friends.

  • 6.50" tall
  • Cute and powerful
  • There's nothing like them (Literally, we couldn't find another stuffed toy with a wheelchair. Like, what?)
Regular price $14.99

The role models we've been waiting for. These doggos do not let their disability stop them and they're ready to be your best friends.

  • 6.50" tall
  • Cute and powerful
  • There's nothing like them (Literally, we couldn't find another stuffed toy with a wheelchair. Like, what?)

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